47. Muscat, Oman

Have you have ever wondered what Muscat, Oman looks like? Nope me neither! I had an unexpected delay in Oman on my way back from India. I had around 18 hours to kill and I arrived in the evening and I was taken to my hotel on behalf of Qatar Airways. I spent the evening alone in my posh hotel restaurant who insisted on playing "my heart will go on" by Celine Dione (titanic) on repeat as I tucked into my dinner! (I secretly enjoyed it)

In the morning at around 7am I had about 5 hours to spare before my flight left for London so I decided to hire a taxi to take me around the City! My taxi driver drove me to some nice beaches and he insisted that I go to Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque, the building is stunning and the design in the main dome was simply breathtaking! 

Colin Ross